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August 2022 Donations - Common Ground Society

Happy August!
This month we are donating 10% of all sales to Common Ground Society.

Common Ground Society is a nonprofit from the heart. It all began in 2017 when Just Two Moms, Larkin and Jessica, did a presentation on Down syndrome for their childrens’ preschool on World Down syndrome day. All of Larkin’s teacher friends saw and invited them in to do presentations. The classroom presentations turned into whole school assemblies and now focus on a multitude of visible and invisible disabilities. So far CGS has presented to over 25,000 students and over 60 other college and community events on how to be inclusive.

At the same time we were looking for local support and families who are traveling a similar path. We wanted to create a space where everyone had someone and no one was feeling isolated and alone. We created a facebook group which turned into small playdates and now we offer a variety of meet ups for caregivers, families, as well as hospital bags for families going through long hospital stays or surgeries.

Starts with HELLO, ends with BELONGING.

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